Alternative to acrobat pro mac
Alternative to acrobat pro mac

This is a very interesting discussion as I have been asking myself for some time now how I could possibly replace Acrobat Pro once I've moved completely to the Affinity apps and a new Mac running (for the time being) Mojave. aaaaaand here's where i remember you were looking for Mac *doh* well maybe some part of that will lead you to an actual solution lol I hope any of that was in some way helpful. As far as PDF programs, I am currently using the free PDF24 products, which are free.


Then I came across an article showing how to get Illustrator CS2 for free, so I did that and it also handles color seps (and text warping!) just fine, despite its age and the fact that I'm using Windows 10.

alternative to acrobat pro mac

Then I discovered that Affinity's predecessor, (the Plus products) DrawPlusX8 also does color separations and I began using that. While I was looking for a similar solution when I first started with Affinity, I made my designs and exported them to do color separations with Scribus (which is free) and that worked well enough. I can't remember if ink density was an option but AI did my seps and then i could use whatever pdf program I wanted from there. When i was using Illustrator, I did all my work using the Pantone spot colors, then Illustrator would handle the color separations.

alternative to acrobat pro mac

Looks like I'm sticking with Acrobat Pro 9 then which does the job on c hecking separations and ink density, Verify PDF/X standards conformance, but won't run on new macs FFS - can't believe theres no alternative?!?!?!?!

Alternative to acrobat pro mac